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Lottery Scam Retaliation

I received exciting news in the postal mail. Apparently, Prizemasters International has undergone a rigorous selection process for their lottery offer, and I qualify for a chance at my share of $4,000,000.00!

I wasn’t aware that a multi-stage evaluation was ongoing, but apparently in stage one I received a grade of 100 and made “selected – unrestricted status.” In stage two I received a grade of A qualifying me for the “elite offer.” In stage three I made first grade giving me “bonus 1 & 2.” It took a while to figure out from the various bits of paper that the offer was to enter a lottery, or a draw to get into a lottery, or something like that.

In fit of altruism, I decided not to accept the offer because it would reduce other people’s lottery winnings. I also figured that Prizemasters would likely want their papers back to use again. So, I folded up all the papers that didn’t have my name on them and stuffed them into the reply-paid envelope to send back to Prizemasters.

It’s tempting to actually send the reply envelope, but I’m not sure that it is really reply-paid. It could be that Prizemasters is only interested in people who use the telephone or fax options. They might also count on people to pay for postage after the envelope is returned by the post office.

So, as much as I’d like to mail this junk back and cost Prizemasters some money, I won’t in case it just costs Canada Post some money. Retaliation rarely works out as well as we hope it will.

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  1. n the 'States' I always used to send reply envelopes back when I received any unwanted advertisements - with the intention of making bad business pay for sending trash.

    But, with a world-wide economic crisis, I've decided (for now) not to do that anymore. There's no need to give anyone additional financial headaches.

    But, if I were to receive a scam such as the one you describe, I'd be certain to make an exception for them. They deserve to be out of business.


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